Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Bye, Bye 2008

Well Christmas is over, hope you had a good one. Mine wasn't too bad even though I was ill like so many others, my lurgy got 100% worse as soon as I sat down on Christmas day afternoon. I was shaking with a high temperature and coughing so much it was making me vomit! I am now left with a chesty cough, a cold and a really sore mouth. The annoying thing is I very rarely get ill, I've worked with children for 20 years and never caught their bugs but this is a nasty one! Anyway back to Christmas the children had obviously been good sometime during the year as my house was jam packed full of presents. Lily soon learnt to rip open her parcels unlike last year when it took nearly all day! She is now the proud owner of a Dora keyboard or ' my eeano' as she calls it.


Yesterday in an attempt to blow away the bugs we went down to St. Ives and took some photos especially for Claire - Summerfete! We drove as far as Lelant Sandings where we then went on the train park and ride. The views along the railway line are stunning.

Although the sea was so blue I wouldn't have wanted to venture in it, it must've been freezing. It was so, so bitterly cold and windy I certainly don't envy those that will be lining the cobbled streets tonight, dressed in their fancy dress! Lily was dressed in many layers -tights, jeans, long sleeved top, hooded cardigan, thick coat, scarf, hat gloves - it was that cold! She didn't care though she loves the seaside.

Porthminster beach.

Tonight Tara will be going to Looe where they also dress up and party in the streets, this year she's going as a bumblebee. Jemma is going out dressed as a fairy and Jodie is going to a friends 16th birthday party dressed as Amy Winehouse. I'll be warm and cosy at home watching Jools's Hootenany! Pics to follow.


2008 memories etc:
Jemma moved out and eventually took Snakie with her. She started her chartered accountant course.
Tara qualified as a hairdresser although she isn't doing hairdressing! She also passed her driving test.
Jodie completed her Duke of Edinborough award and is now working on her Arts Mark award.
Lily has learnt to sleep at night, is potty trained and now knows how to have spectacular tantrums :-)
We've had a new kitchen, new bathroom and bought a caravan. Now in 2009 we just have to do the rest of the house and pay for the kitchen! And I really must loose the baby weight!
Happy 2009 everyone, hope it's better than predicted and the credit crunch doesn't bite too hard!


Kitty said...

What a lovely post Yvonne! The pictures are gorgeous and make me want to go there NOW.

Like you, we were a bit lurgified, but hopefully now on the mend. Glad you had a good Christmas, and here's wishing you and yours a wonderful 2009.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are getting better ... I had the lurgy just before Christmas and never felt that I "caught up" with the Christmas spirit!

Have a happy and healthy 2009 xxxx

angel said...

Blissy blissy blissy, again you have excelled yourself, wonderful Photos, [i do like a good photo thy knows].
Thank you for all your lovely posts, i have enjoyed your little exploits.... lol.
Have a wonderful New Year Honey and i hope all that nasty lurgy didnt ruin Christmas for you. Mwah X x X x X x X x X x X x X Mwah

Selfsewn said...

Aah thanks Yvonne I recognised St Ives straight away!
I'm already planning our next trip!

Happy new year to you and your family!

Clare x

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Happy New Year to you.

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell over Christmas, it seems a similar story with many people.

Victoria xx

Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better. We have all been the same in the tcalamity household, and I never get ill. my little kitty suffered the worse of the illness.
Happy new year to you.I hope 2009 is a good one for you.
xxxxxxxxxx t

The Vintage Kitten said...

Hi Yvonne, Happy New Year!!! Hope you feel better soon. Ive enjoyed reading your 'adventures' in 2008, I hope 2009 is just as wonderful for you all X

Debbies-English-Treasures said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing us an HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I would like to wish the same to you and yours!
Debbie Moss

P.S - We hope that you are feeling mch better!
And while I`m here, I`m taking this opportunity to tell him, just how much I enjoyed seeing your beautiful home decorated for Christmas and your wonderful creations too!
Thanks so much for delighting us all with!

Lace hearts said...

What lovely pictures - that looks a lovely, though cold! day. You must have felt rotten with that bug. I had it mild and felt awful for a few days.
Happy new year. I hope you have a fabulous 2009. x

Sal said...

Hope you are better.I have been really ill with similar and I rarely get ill. Lovely to read your blog;-)

Ragged Roses said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! So sorry to hear that you were ill on Christmas Day, poor you. Hope you're feeling better now. Thanks for such lovely photos, how lovely to see blue skies again ... Take care

Funkymonkey said...

Happy New Year Yvonne. Thanks for all the lovely seaside photos. (I'm now getting withdrawal symptoms). Hope you recovery soon from your lurgy.


Ginger said...

Happy New year 2009! So glad your feeling better now.
Wanted to thank you for stopping by was so sweet the comments you gave me. Enjoyed your blog so much what a great family you have Lord bless you all.

Shsjndkdns said...

Hi, glad you like the hearts! Especially as my heart from you is in the collection - its one of my faves :) X

The Vintage Kitten said...

Just popping by to say hello........Hello!